Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekly Update #7

Well this week I really have been working out a lot.  I only missed Sunday. That day I felt like I was 90. I hurt all over, but that day of rest helped.  I have been doing a lot more yoga and still walking my four mile hikes a few days a week.  I had a really good week as far as exercising.  However, I am still battling with food.  

I thought writing down everything I ate would help.  I can write down what I eat for breakfast then by lunch time I am busy and when I get hungry I just eat whatever and run.  Never thinking about writing it down.  So I am going to plan out what I will eat and write it down before I eat it.  I am hoping to treat food the same way I do my chore to do list.  It's going to be really hard because I have such a big food addiction, but I am going to do my best to only eat what is on my "to eat" list for the day.  I will give myself on free day a week. 

My workout partner told me that she is drinking half her body weight in ounces of water.  I was drinking a lot of water but not that much.  I'm a big girl and that's a lot of water.  I did drink that much yesterday and I felt good about it. Besides the fact that I constantly have to pee. I think this will help. If my stomach is full of water I am less likely to over eat.

This week I lost .69% of my weight from last week, and since last month I have lost 2.4% of my weight.  I am excited to see results.  I put on a shirt the other day that is now noticeably looser than the last time I wore it.  Another goal is to measure my waist, hips, thighs, and arms.  I have been saying I'm going to do this for weeks and haven't yet.  I will today and next week I will post how many inches I have lost. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rant of an Emotional Eater

I know I have a problem.  I do really good dieting as long as something stressful doesn't come up. Judging by my weight I have a pretty stressful life. Really though life has been great lately.  I have been doing a lot better about not letting simple things get the best of me.  Last week I was having a great day then a couple things happened that just ruined my day.  I stopped tracking my food and just went on a binge. Then once I do that it is hard to get back on track. Thankfully I didn't have that much chocolate in the house that I could do that much damage.  I just have a really hard time getting back on track once I've gone on a binge. Hopefully all the exercise I'm doing can balance it out so I won't gain any.   So today I don't feel good at all. I wish I could stay in bed today.  I may not be on top of the dieting thing today, but I promise I'm gonna get back with it Monday and I'll let you know in my regular Thursday Blog how the rest of the week went.   I just wish I could find things that occupy my mind the the way that eating does when I'm emotional.  I have a couple hobbies but it's hard sometimes to do those with a little kid under my feet wanting to help but wow is it easy to eat cookies to feel better.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

She's So Critical

Well I had an OK week nothing great as far as dieting goes. I had some good days and some bad days.  Even if I don't lose what I want every week at least I'm aware of my body more and my weight isn't going up. I did lose 1.1 pounds according to the Wii two days ago then it said I gained .4 pounds this morning. Even if it went down and back up it's still a loss of 7/10 of a pound.  I know that there was potential for me to do better. I missed a workout yesterday. I had a full day with dentist appointments during my regular workout ours. I did however walk with my daughter over half a mile to the playground at the end of the road. So we had to walk it back and I carried her on my back part of the way. She's around 50 pounds now so that was easy for me to do but I did it.

I have been doing well with exercising at least 30 minutes every day. Exercising is the easy part for me though. Even if it hurts I can push through it.  I get two miles away from my car hiking up a mountainous road and I have no other choice but to turn around and keep going or I will never get back home.  I promise unless I am injured some how and can't walk at all; I will never call to have somebody come pick me up. I wont give up when I start something. Sometimes actually starting is harder than doing it, but if you don't start then you will never know what you can get done!

On the dieting side of things well it hasn't been great. I am still drinking mostly water. I had a green tea yesterday and a small glass of soda.  Maybe a couple more sugary drinks during the week I can't remember how many, but it wasn't much. (I love doing this blog I have great ideas as I'm typing)  Since I cant remember everything I ate last week starting today I'm going back to writing it all down.  I know that helps but I just now thought about doing it again. Back to my diet:  Sunday morning my daughter wakes up and asks, "Mommy what's for Breakfast?"  I give her a list of option and she refuses. I remembered I had some orange cinnamon rolls in the fridge that needed to be made or they were gonna go bad. She wanted those. She asked how many could she have. I told her everyone get two a piece.  She replies, "Mommy since you is soooo fat should just have one!"  I couldn't help but laugh. I never would want her to say that to anyone else and hurt somebodies feelings. I explained that was not appropriate to tell somebody they are fat, but I'm glad she put me in my place and I did only have one.  She has been so critical about my weight lately. I know it's because she has listened to me talk about it with other people. She is constantly shaking my stomach and saying, "Mommy you're still fat."   Well in a different time that would hurt my feelings or made me mad, but coming from her how could I get mad at her for that. Kids are just honest.  It really is a good motivator for me, but my husband better not talk to me like that or I will lose my cool. LOL

So my challenge for this week is to do better about my diet and write down everything that I eat and drink.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's Only a Number

Well I'm sitting here thinking about writing about an exercise buddy but I really just wanting to rant about the fact that I did some really hard workouts this week, and didn't lose the weight I planned on. BUT I will tell you it is all my own fault that I ate more than I worked out.  I did lose .4 pounds. A loss is still a loss. If I lose a little every week it will add up.  Most days I ate really well but over the weekend was a different story.  My husband smoked some BBQ and I bought an orange cream cake. WHY do I do this to myself?  I was thinking oh I'll just have a piece. NO I had a piece every day until the cake was gone.  I also had a candy bar because I had already had the cake.  Well I'll tell you what I am no longer going to set a weekly weight loss goal for myself.  My weight is just another number in my life.  I know I am obese but so are a whole lot of people. It doesn't make me a bad person there just really is more of me to love. Yes I would like to be thinner, but I think if I put the numbers out of my head and focus on just being healthier that is what's going to make me feel better.  In fact I was in a great mood before I weighed myself.  I have a ton of energy. My husband has been complimenting me on toner legs. I am getting more projects done. So what if I didn't lose 5 pounds this week.  If I keep working out and eating right I will get the results that I want eventually.  I just don't want to get discouraged and give up like I have so many times before.  I will still be weighing myself weekly but I'm defiantly not going to set weekly weight loss goals.  Slow and steady wins the race.

My challenge for this week is to just eat mostly fruits and veggies and very little junk, keep drinking water, and keep on working out.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

....hey it's progress!

OK I'm gonna be totally honest with my blogs. Good or bad I will be honest with you. For one I try to be an honest person as a rule of life and this also forces me to be honest with myself. Anyway back to my point.  I did not meet all the challenges I set for myself : /  However, I did drink water water water and more water, but I did have a glass of Pepsi and a bottle of wheat grass passion fruit juice oh and a sip of sweet tea. I exercised 5 out of 7 days. Two of those days were amazing hour and a half walks on a mountainous up hill road.  I am shamed to say that I had a LOT of chocolate. The Big Pack Little Debbie Fudge Round kind of chocolate to be exact, and a Carmelo......and some chocolate ice cream.  So I broke up with Little Debbie this week, because if I have a box in the house I can't stop at one.  So here's the deal, I obviously can't do this on my own.  There are a lot of things that are bigger than myself and I know I have God at my side to get me through it.  OK I know in the grand scheme of things my weight should be the least of my worries.  I'm not really doing this to look good I'm doing this to feel good.  When I am eating right and exercising I feel GREAT and everything else in life seems to fall into place.

Last February I started Weight Watcher's for the third time, but that time it clicked and I lost 23 pounds. I was working out and feeling great. The past few weeks I have been searching for that again, but last night I realized I am going to have to go back to the way I was living in February. I have to pray for myself to follow the Weight Watcher's plan, exercise, and take my vitamins. It was working for me then and it will work for me now as long a I stick with it and stay humble.  I believe that there is great power in prayer.  It works for me in every aspect of my life so why not ask for strength and guidance with my health?

OK so on an exciting note I weighed in this morning and I lost 3.1 pounds this week!!!  It was the three pounds I had gained since I stopped WW but hey it's progress.  I am going in the right direction and this week it I can stay away from Little Debbie's I know I will do great. 

My challenge this week is and I know it's kind of a long shot, but I want to lose 5.6 pounds this week. That would be a 26 pound weight loss since my start last February.  I also am going to stay on plan and track what I eat.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I am so BAD at this.....but I gotta do this for my kids!

OK I walked a couple of times. Worked out a little. I ate lots of fruits and veggies. I maintained my weight,  BUT most days I sat on my couch watching YouTube.  I had a busy week, but when I was home I didn't make the time to work out.  I am just so BAD at this whole healthy living thing.  I don't know if it is just become something you are born with or you are a product of bad habits you learn from your parents.  I don't want to offend anyone in my family but the truth is on my mom's side only 1 in 4 of her and her sisters has their weight under control. 

Now that my daughter is no longer a baby she is more vocal about what she wants to eat.  I used to make sure she eat healthy and drank water. I don't think she even tasted soda until she was almost two and she has never had it regularly.  Now she is asking for candy and sweet tea a lot more.  She has always been big for her age, but lately I am worried she is going to have problems with her weight.  She loves to stay with my grandparents, but honestly that is where she gets the majority of her junk food. 

I think that we got our food addiction from my grandparents spoiling us with processed food. I can understand it though, they grew up during The Depression and did not have convenience foods to eat. So when the grocery store and fast food restaurants started opening up all over the place it was a privilege that nobody knew was actually going to be a curse.  They mostly ate what they helped grow in their backyard.  I am very grateful to have been able to learn gardening and food preserving from my grandparents.  I think if I were to stick with the diet that they at in the 1930s and '40s I would be in a lot better shape.  In fact I think the country would be in a lot better shape. Anyway,  I shouldn't just say my grandparents; it really is the way we live in America.  We produce food in a factory instead of just farming and we are a product of the trash we eat.

 I have a boy that I am trying to help gain weight and a daughter that I am trying to get to grow into her weight. (That is how the nutritionist put it, "...grow into her weight.")   How do I serve my kids the same menu and have opposite affects? I am going to sneak healthy fat into his diet and cut out all the junk food in my house, and no more fast food.  My son would rather starve than eat healthy food, but if I only serve whole foods then he doesn't have the choice he will eventually eat.  I have been having a bad week with the dieting and exercising but I gotta do this for my kids!  I can't expect them to be healthy and me eat and drink whatever tastes good. 

My challenge for this week is to only drink  water, have no chocolate, exercise on the Wii Fit daily and walk at least 16 miles.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away.......

So I wanted to title this blog walk Walk WALK, but I'm not gonna just repeat myself for every challenge I give myself. Anyway you just really wanna know if I walked the 24 miles in a week and......(commercial break ha ha)  I need to just buy a treadmill.  I walked 8 of the 24 miles I wanted to walk and it rained the rest of the week. Aanytime I had free to walk it was raining.  I know we need the rain, but I would really liked to have gotten to walk more. If I didn't have kids to think about I probably would have just walked in the rain. OK probably not! I am so disappointed in myself though because I should have at least worked out doing something else.  So this week I will strive to do so. I have a work out DVD that I can work on. Also, this was the best part of my week, my Wii came back on! Now I can do Wii Fit. Knock on wood that it doesn't shut down again.  I am so excited about the Wii. When I noticed that the lights were back on it felt like Christmas.  We never unhooked it in the hope this would happen b/c the same thing happened to somebody we know.  Also, this is the best part I have lost a couple pounds. Now that the Wii is back on I will be doing official weigh ins on Thursday mornings so I will let all my many readers know how much I have lost every week. 

So I wanna be serious about something for a minute.  I haven't talked about diet much on this blog yet. That's because I want to do this gradually and get my workout routine going then start eating more healthy. I feel like when I am working out more I am less inclined to eat junk food so I need to get the exercise routine down first.  Anyway, I have been thinking seriously about something and I have talked myself into it. OK so I am going to go on a 10 day juice fast.  Not like just drinking fruit punch for 10 days, but juicing my own fruits and veggies kind of fast.  I am nervous but I know it wont kill me.  I plan on starting this in a couple of weeks and I want to blog about it maybe everyday for 10 days. I don't want to do this to lose 20 pounds in 10 days, but I want to detox my body of all the crap that I have put into it over the years. 

This weeks challenge is to keep drinking water, work out in some form at least 30 minutes everyday, and walk 4 miles each day that it's not raining.  Thanks for reading and if you are on the road to better health, "I beleive you CAN do it!"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Water Water WATER!!!!!

All week I have drank nothing but water! I think being well hydrated is the most important key to being healthy and losing weight. Man can not live by soda alone.  I went out to dinner with some old friends from high school and I wanted to have a margarita but nope I had water. Ok I did have milk with my cheerios but that counts a food right?  Well it was really no big deal for me to drink water until Sunday there was an RC Cola in my home. I wanted to chug it down so bad but I didn't.  I like this blogging for accountability thing. I felt like if I drank any soda or whatever else I would have to blog about it, and I didn't want to let my many followers (lol) down.  I didn't weight myself last week but I can tell that stopping the sugary drinks has helped. My face look slimmer and I don't feel as bloated.  My diet was horrible I had like lots of chocolate but I don't feel like I went on a binge or anything like that. The only exercise I got was "Spring" cleaning at the end of Summer lol.  This week I will be adding an exercise routine back into my schedule. Then I will get to my food addiction part. I feel like if I have the first two in place and this blog that I will be able to control what I put into my mouth more.  I wonder how many more times I could have typed the word WATER in this blog?

This weeks challenge is......I will walk at least 21 miles this week. Even if it kills me!  Who wants to join me?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Lost My Mojo

Well I was on the right track.  I had finally realized that food was for nutrition and not just for comfort. I also realized that I am addicted to food. I will overeat on just about anything.  Last winter I started my third attempt at Weight Watchers.  WW is a great program and I lost 23 pounds! I was doing GREAT! I really thought I was gonna be able to stay on track and lose all the weight I need to lose.  Then it got hot out and I didn't walk the four miles in the evening I had been walking. Every meal deal that I bought at Bi Lo came with ice cream. Chips were BOGO.  Cookouts and birthday parties were happening all summer. I know excuses excuses. I really just lost my dieting mojo.

I want to start this blog separate from A Penny For My Thoughts to just talk about my weight loss journey.  I will post my results from my weekly weigh ins and set up challenges for myself.  I will be a Weight Watchers success story and I hope to inspire other people to get healthy and feel better about themselves.

My challenge this week is to only drink water. I like water but I am addicted to soda.  I will be filling you in on how it goes and post my weight change every Thursday so stay tuned and join me on my journey. Thanks for reading and God Bless :)