Thursday, October 6, 2011

She's So Critical

Well I had an OK week nothing great as far as dieting goes. I had some good days and some bad days.  Even if I don't lose what I want every week at least I'm aware of my body more and my weight isn't going up. I did lose 1.1 pounds according to the Wii two days ago then it said I gained .4 pounds this morning. Even if it went down and back up it's still a loss of 7/10 of a pound.  I know that there was potential for me to do better. I missed a workout yesterday. I had a full day with dentist appointments during my regular workout ours. I did however walk with my daughter over half a mile to the playground at the end of the road. So we had to walk it back and I carried her on my back part of the way. She's around 50 pounds now so that was easy for me to do but I did it.

I have been doing well with exercising at least 30 minutes every day. Exercising is the easy part for me though. Even if it hurts I can push through it.  I get two miles away from my car hiking up a mountainous road and I have no other choice but to turn around and keep going or I will never get back home.  I promise unless I am injured some how and can't walk at all; I will never call to have somebody come pick me up. I wont give up when I start something. Sometimes actually starting is harder than doing it, but if you don't start then you will never know what you can get done!

On the dieting side of things well it hasn't been great. I am still drinking mostly water. I had a green tea yesterday and a small glass of soda.  Maybe a couple more sugary drinks during the week I can't remember how many, but it wasn't much. (I love doing this blog I have great ideas as I'm typing)  Since I cant remember everything I ate last week starting today I'm going back to writing it all down.  I know that helps but I just now thought about doing it again. Back to my diet:  Sunday morning my daughter wakes up and asks, "Mommy what's for Breakfast?"  I give her a list of option and she refuses. I remembered I had some orange cinnamon rolls in the fridge that needed to be made or they were gonna go bad. She wanted those. She asked how many could she have. I told her everyone get two a piece.  She replies, "Mommy since you is soooo fat should just have one!"  I couldn't help but laugh. I never would want her to say that to anyone else and hurt somebodies feelings. I explained that was not appropriate to tell somebody they are fat, but I'm glad she put me in my place and I did only have one.  She has been so critical about my weight lately. I know it's because she has listened to me talk about it with other people. She is constantly shaking my stomach and saying, "Mommy you're still fat."   Well in a different time that would hurt my feelings or made me mad, but coming from her how could I get mad at her for that. Kids are just honest.  It really is a good motivator for me, but my husband better not talk to me like that or I will lose my cool. LOL

So my challenge for this week is to do better about my diet and write down everything that I eat and drink.

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