Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away.......

So I wanted to title this blog walk Walk WALK, but I'm not gonna just repeat myself for every challenge I give myself. Anyway you just really wanna know if I walked the 24 miles in a week and......(commercial break ha ha)  I need to just buy a treadmill.  I walked 8 of the 24 miles I wanted to walk and it rained the rest of the week. Aanytime I had free to walk it was raining.  I know we need the rain, but I would really liked to have gotten to walk more. If I didn't have kids to think about I probably would have just walked in the rain. OK probably not! I am so disappointed in myself though because I should have at least worked out doing something else.  So this week I will strive to do so. I have a work out DVD that I can work on. Also, this was the best part of my week, my Wii came back on! Now I can do Wii Fit. Knock on wood that it doesn't shut down again.  I am so excited about the Wii. When I noticed that the lights were back on it felt like Christmas.  We never unhooked it in the hope this would happen b/c the same thing happened to somebody we know.  Also, this is the best part I have lost a couple pounds. Now that the Wii is back on I will be doing official weigh ins on Thursday mornings so I will let all my many readers know how much I have lost every week. 

So I wanna be serious about something for a minute.  I haven't talked about diet much on this blog yet. That's because I want to do this gradually and get my workout routine going then start eating more healthy. I feel like when I am working out more I am less inclined to eat junk food so I need to get the exercise routine down first.  Anyway, I have been thinking seriously about something and I have talked myself into it. OK so I am going to go on a 10 day juice fast.  Not like just drinking fruit punch for 10 days, but juicing my own fruits and veggies kind of fast.  I am nervous but I know it wont kill me.  I plan on starting this in a couple of weeks and I want to blog about it maybe everyday for 10 days. I don't want to do this to lose 20 pounds in 10 days, but I want to detox my body of all the crap that I have put into it over the years. 

This weeks challenge is to keep drinking water, work out in some form at least 30 minutes everyday, and walk 4 miles each day that it's not raining.  Thanks for reading and if you are on the road to better health, "I beleive you CAN do it!"

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