Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rant of an Emotional Eater

I know I have a problem.  I do really good dieting as long as something stressful doesn't come up. Judging by my weight I have a pretty stressful life. Really though life has been great lately.  I have been doing a lot better about not letting simple things get the best of me.  Last week I was having a great day then a couple things happened that just ruined my day.  I stopped tracking my food and just went on a binge. Then once I do that it is hard to get back on track. Thankfully I didn't have that much chocolate in the house that I could do that much damage.  I just have a really hard time getting back on track once I've gone on a binge. Hopefully all the exercise I'm doing can balance it out so I won't gain any.   So today I don't feel good at all. I wish I could stay in bed today.  I may not be on top of the dieting thing today, but I promise I'm gonna get back with it Monday and I'll let you know in my regular Thursday Blog how the rest of the week went.   I just wish I could find things that occupy my mind the the way that eating does when I'm emotional.  I have a couple hobbies but it's hard sometimes to do those with a little kid under my feet wanting to help but wow is it easy to eat cookies to feel better.

1 comment:

  1. I know it sucks to get on the scale and only see 1lb or even less but just remember the slower it comes off the longer it stays off! I know you will get to where you want to be in time because you are an amazing person who is always thinking and doing for others and your time to shine and feel great about yourself on the outside (because you already should on the inside like I said your one of the best people I know...and I'm sure several people would agree) will come soon and hopefully mine will too and your other friends you walk with and then we will all go out and be the hottest Mamas on the town LOL (of course I think we all are anyways : )
