Well I was on the right track. I had finally realized that food was for nutrition and not just for comfort. I also realized that I am addicted to food. I will overeat on just about anything. Last winter I started my third attempt at Weight Watchers. WW is a great program and I lost 23 pounds! I was doing GREAT! I really thought I was gonna be able to stay on track and lose all the weight I need to lose. Then it got hot out and I didn't walk the four miles in the evening I had been walking. Every meal deal that I bought at Bi Lo came with ice cream. Chips were BOGO. Cookouts and birthday parties were happening all summer. I know excuses excuses. I really just lost my dieting mojo.
I want to start this blog separate from A Penny For My Thoughts to just talk about my weight loss journey. I will post my results from my weekly weigh ins and set up challenges for myself. I will be a Weight Watchers success story and I hope to inspire other people to get healthy and feel better about themselves.
My challenge this week is to only drink water. I like water but I am addicted to soda. I will be filling you in on how it goes and post my weight change every Thursday so stay tuned and join me on my journey. Thanks for reading and God Bless :)